Friday, March 11


I have found and it is great!  Here are a few things I have been trying to tell myself I don't really need (but really want).

Thursday, March 10


Head to Toe:
Top: Cardigan from Old Navy; Tank from Forever21
Bottom: Skirt from Forever21Shoes: I think they are from Forever 21 as well
Accessories: Necklace from Forever21
... maybe I should have just called this post my outfit is basically all from Forever21...

Thanks for Reading! 

Wednesday, March 9


So I swear I had cute outfits on... I just didn't take pictures of them.  Man, looking at these pictures it looks like I wore the same thing everyday because I'm wearing the same jacket. Hehehe.

Comfy Top

Head to Toe:
Top: Sweater from Sfera BCN
Jacket:  Green Jacket from Zara BCN
Shoes: Coral heels from Forever 21
Accessories: Scarf from Berksha


Head to Toe:
Top: is actually a dress (tricky tricky :P) from Zara BCN
Blazer: H&MBottom: Skirt from H&M
Shoes: Heels from Nordstrom Rack
Accessories: Tights from Nine West
Jewelry: Necklace from Forever 21